Thursday, March 19, 2009

I looked at me cell phone..
it stared so blackishly at me (yea, it's black)
I wondered if it could tell me,
"Stop sticking to me,
and allow not your cheek to kiss me all the time,
It's irritating, don't you realise your sweat after a time pierces into my ears??
My body trembles whenever someone thinks of talking to you,
and half of the time you plug that wire to my head just for ur entertainment,
Do you even realise how bothering it is, if not you at least me..
My throat pains when I have to sing those rocky and melodious songs just to please your ears,
Stop poking and pressing me here and there all over my body all the time, even when not needed,
It hurts okay!
My asterisk toe has now swollen to the core now..
and just when I think to take rest and ask my heart to lie 'low'
you plug me sideways into yet another wire to keep me awake.
and if at all my heart stops working, I'm sure you'll remove it n put my mind to another body with your man-gifted technological power,
I overheard when in your suffocating cover and then the all the more suffocating butt-pocket, your friend saying what he did to his cell phone
For once I know, you have no concern for my heart,
it's just my brain card that you manipulate all day and use me.
But Yes, One thing for sure..I would want to thank you to Enlighten me when I buzz and tremble"

Oh the cell phone buzzed-
'Will it get poked and pinched again',
Whatt ?!
How did I even wonder that

But my cell screamed,
Enlighten me - I wanna see - how this could be the age of reason

won't you tell me - can't you tell me -Cause I need to know - It's in my head it's in my soul
-The fire burns and my heart is sold-

I poked again.. but it got enlightened
To the melody and the music - yeah...

Hi..Watsup !!"
: "what took you so long to pick up the phone??"

"Nothing, Just some Masterplan" /)

1 comment:

Ashar said...

And when you switch on the Bluetooth, it complains of having to transport million droplets of data(whatever importance it holds to us) to other devices...

I liked this one. "Stop poking and pressing me here and there all over my body all the time, even when not needed,
It hurts okay!" :) So True...locking and unlocking the damn cellphone while waiting for a friend or when maybe stuck in an awkward situation!